Black and White

Black and White


​“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

- Steve Jobs​

A few years ago I ran my printer out of red ink.  I was using Jon Cone’s third party inks and I go through a lot of red ink with my sepia toning.  My printer still managed to spot out pure black and white prints.  ​

This was one of them.  ​Prints stay out to be enjoyed and this one was blue tacked to the wall in the Katoomba studio.  

I was, and still am years later, about how different my work is when printed in pure black and white as opposed to my usual sepia ones.  ​

There is an apparent increase in contrast and a definite increase in strength.  They are more forceful in black and white, calmer and gentler in sepia. ​

People ask why I prefer the sepia.  ​

The answer is very simple.  ​

I prefer to show my gentle feminine side with my work and leave the forceful male side for other things.  ​

Gentle and caring is more me.  Soft.  Passionate. Caring.  Loving.  ​

It is more Len.​


The Lake District.  Photograph copyright © Len Metcalf 2019​

Concentrate on your strengths

Concentrate on your strengths

Esperance Sand Dunes

Esperance Sand Dunes