Hyacinth Orchids

Dipodium roseum Is there scientific name. I have been trying to resolve photographs of these beautiful stems for years.

The first time I really tried was with my dad. He came and stayed with me for a week at Mount Victoria and we went out on day trips with my Linhof Technicardin TK45. We ended up at Dunn’s Swamp and we walked all the way to the dam wall. In his late seventies he could still walk, even if it was in his slippers.

I can remember the spot clearly, he found and showed me a beautiful hyacinth orchid. There was a slight breeze so I had him stand just out of frame to create a windbreak.

A special memory with my father. Twenty years ago I am guessing. He’d be over a hundred now if he was still going. Luckily he lives in in my heart and memories.

It started something and ever since I have been obsessed with orchids. Perhaps as a tribute to him always showing them to me. Hyacinth ones in particular, though any get me excited enough to photograph them.

The one accompanying my thoughts today is my latest try. Just a week or two ago I found these ones totally surprised that they are out at this time of year. Perhaps it is when they flower and I’d never noticed the time of year before.

Dad you are missed.

May you have a lovely day today. For those of you that celebrate Christmas please enjoy your day, for those of you who don’t you have my best wishes too.

Hycenth Orchids, Dipodium roseum. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

Another Orchid

Slow mornings