Cleaning the fridge

Still no electricity… three days now…

The food in the freezer has finally melted so am cleaning the fridge out properly…

Momo is very happy as a huge bone defrosted and he gets to chew on it until he decides to bury it…

Will go to the pool for a shower and have reverted to camping mode. Batteries… buy food just before consuming etc…

This little lemon is one I found in Pt’s fridge four years ago when I decided it would be a nice thing to do for him while he was away. Clean his fridge out. Throw out stuff with mould. Wash sticky things. Clean it properly and put it all back together. Not sure what it says about me, that I actually enjoy cleaning up. Like a bit of order, I do, and a fair bit of cleanliness.

Funny thing though, I can’t say that about my creative space. You should see my desk and studio. It needs a bit of chaos. They say creativity needs that… perhaps us creatives use that as an excuse. My camera bag is also very organised. But my Lightroom catalogue of photographs isn’t. I try though. I did manage to find that lemon from four years ago rather easily though. I try to be disciplined with the sorting of the photographs, but with each trip away I add thousands..

Long gone are the days of one or two considered photographs…


I don’t mind really… the only real problem is that Serena is here to work on my books…

Pt’s Lemon. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

Colourful Friday

No power