Kangaroo Island


I have been thinking about how lucky I have been to be able to combine all of my loves together. And all of my talents.

It has only taken my lifetime to figure it out.

Firstly, is probably my love for being ensconced in beautiful places with Mother Nature holding my hand. I love wilderness and wild places. Places less touched by the cruel hand of humanity.

My love for trees follows me everywhere. And is something that only dawned on my slowly. I used to joke about art school not being interested in my obsession with trees. Turns out the obsession bit was right. The older I get, the more connected I feel to trees. They bring me peace.

My love for travel has spanned my whole life. Go somewhere, stay a while, stay longer than others and enjoy. It takes time to see. Wander aimlessly looking for beauty.

My love for teaching started young. I was teaching at 13 or 14 years of age at scouts. The older taught the younger in structured short sessions. I have taught my whole life. Inspiring others and watching them grow is a beautiful joy. It brings me to tears of happiness regularly. Teaching is one thread that holds my life together.

My love for presenting. My moon in Leo, ensures I love captivating an audience. For years I have practiced, each time I improve. I hope this part of my life continues to grow. Does anybody need a motivational speaker on creativity, leadership, the environment, art and of course photography?

My love for exploration. I love going somewhere new and seeing what I can find. Do you know I drive down every dirt road to see what’s there at a new location.

My love for outdoor guiding. It was my first job, soon was replaced with outdoor education as I couldn’t let a teaching opportunity go by, and the opportunity to work at one of the greatest outdoor centres Australia has ever offered in Kangaroo Valley.

My love for computing comes out in my website design. I love working on them. Computing at school was the only subject I ever got full marks in. I don’t have the same love for post processing though. There are so many lovely shots, why waste time on the ones that need rescuing. The modern look of contemporary photography has become passé in my opinion.

My love for art has always been there. It wasn’t very good when I was young. It was only because I worked hard at it throughout my whole life that I became good. It isn’t talent, it’s hard work. Everyone can learn to be creative and artistic. It takes determination and practice. Asthetic taste can be nurtured and taught.

My love for working for myself. No more slavery to the boss nor to the organisation. Only a few have ever inspired me. Good leaders are few and far between. Working for the government was one of the worst experiences of my life. Corruption and bullying are so sickening. Thankfully that part of my life is over.

My love for designing educational programs. There isn’t much better than a beautiful program that helps people change. Getting a team of seventy to run it as I imagined was another joy of my youth.

My love for genuine people. I am so lucky my art and my personality attracts such lovely people whom come to learn. They say finding a good student is harder than finding a good teacher. Well, to be honest, my great students find me. Do you know, my greatest students return again and again, knowing there is no end point, but only further growth.

My love for listening to people. It’s one of the keys to successful teaching. People have such interesting stories to tell.

My love for photography. Started by my father. Fostered by my own obsessions. Taught to me by many. I am so grateful to finding this love.

Combining these together to form Len’s School has been the most magical experience. It’s been nearly nine years full time and it’s ten years since I imagined and wrote my first master class.

What a journey. I am so thankful for all of the students whom believed in me enough to part with their money to come and learn. You have bought me here. Thank you. Without you I wouldn’t be doing what I love now.

The next phase is coming. The opportunity is there for you to be apart of it, at home. Learning Communities. They inspire me. Len’s Learning Community. I am so excited. I will tell you more. Soon..

So, anyone want to come to Kangaroo Island? Three full days, a day to get there and one to get back. Monday to Friday. A combination of workshop, tour, spoiling, good company, gorgeous food, learning and of course wonderful photographs. I just need to finish the dates and publish the program.

Kangaroo Island, South Australia Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

Dad’s Birthday

Eleven years ago