Len's Journal

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“ Before, I could only guess of who I was. Now, thanks to my art, I know who I am.”

~ Luhraw


Have arrived at South West Rocks, lovely warm and sunny during the day and still cold and crisp at night.  We are paused ready to start our week of Abstract Photography. We joke about how the family gathers around. It is just like that, the people who come to study with me become dear friends. My family. When they return it’s a reunion and such a lovely feeling is immediately on us all.  Nearly everyone is returning for this coming week.  That makes it extra special.

Understanding an art that is so centred around the emotional and feelings will be our challenge for the week.  I always learn so much. A feeling of excitement is central to my presence today.   Where will we end up.  What new directions will we discover. 

Nobody knows. I do know, through experience and a unfaltering trust in the process, that it will be wonderful and visually stimulating.    I can’t wait.


South West Rocks Impressions. Photograph and text copyright ©️ Len Metcalf 2018