Len's Master Class 2019
I am pleased to announce that I will be running my Master Class in photography in 2019. I haven't run it for the past five years or so. I am trialing a new format where we meet for six weekends, one every two months. These are spread out over the year. Each weekend is at a different location within a two hour train ride from Sydney Airport. This will make it easy for students to fly in for the weekend and attend.
Len's Masterclass is how I started teaching photography full time. I started with a small group of six students in Katoomba and the class was one night a week during school terms. We had a wonderful year of learning and growth. The year culminated in a group exhibition. They told their friends and the next year there were 18 people in Len's Master Class. That year was huge. So much beautiful work. So much growth.
From the Master Class, Focused Lens developed, as a mentoring program. Many of the first students in Len's Master Class are still dear friends, and turn up on workshops and courses for an extra injection of inspiration. It is truly wonderful. Focused Lens continues with some of the original students.
Each weekend on next years Master Class has a different theme. We explore our cameras in the first weekend, composition and processing on the second, monochrome and portraiture on the third, abstract and colour on the forth, flowers and still life on the fifth and presenting your photography on the sixth. Len presents and teaches you with carefully constructed educational sessions. In between the bi monthly weekends, you will have weekly homework and projects to be working on. Lastly, you will be working on your own individual projects throughout the year so you can bring prints for critiques.
We end up in a learning community, a photographic family if you may. Each helping, inspiring and supporting each other to learn and grow. Seeing what others are up to is incredibly inspiring. Having people tell you where your work is working is motivating and gives you very specific direction forward. Knowing it is safe to ask the silliest question and get a straight answer is a relief.
Students work on all sorts of projects, from portraiture, to still life, from abstract to documentary. You are required to work on a photographic project of your own choice. Something you love photographing or a project you have always wanted to do. It has be presented at the end of the year as a finished product. A set of framed photographs, or a book or a calendar. A physical finished object made from your photographs.
This course is not for a raw beginner, it is for intermediate photographers that have some photographic experience. Advanced beginners you may call yourself. You can already use your camera and computer to make photographs. This course is designed to build your confidence with your photography.
This is the most exciting course I run. It has the most energy and growth because of the regular sessions over a full year, and the time it gives you to go home to practice and asimulate your new learning.
Because of the new format I am trialing, I am running it in 2019 at an introductory price. If you do want to book in you should contact me first so we can discuss your current knowledge and your possible work you would do while on the course. This course is strictly limited to ten people.
For more information follow this link: http://www.lensschool.com/workshops-tours/lens-master-class-2019
Testimonials from Len's Master Class
“Len is a master of adult education to the point where you assimilate information without even realising it. I was guided to focus in new areas of photography revealing strengths that I did not know I had. It challenged and stretched me well beyond any of the photographic courses I had done before. I am completing the course with a much greater depth of knowledge; of skills; of confidence and a vibrant excitement with photography. The dynamics of the group, gently guided by Len, contributed greatly to the best course I have ever done.
Hello Len, Well the wonderful break is behind you and now embarking on more adventures to be fully supported by photography. From your newsletter all sounds very exciting and potential for a blossoming future. I just wanted to send you a note wishing you the very best for this afternoon, evening and the same again tomorrow - Master Classes. The year spent with you has been one of the highlights of my life and corrected the photographic dead-end I was on, not realising it but the road was getting narrower and would probably have petered out. Boy have things changed - the full joy and pleasurable challenge has returned; I have made a Learning Contract and 5 weeks into it am going energisedly (if that’s a word) strong. So again thank you and warm wishes, and I am pleased for your participants as they are in for a wonderful time. See you in the future.”
“The course this year has been fabulous. When I reflect on what I have learnt, it is very difficult to describe. At one level it is easy. I have learnt many new techniques and I have connected with a much broader photographic community than previously.
The aspect that is more difficult to put into words, is the way I have grown and matured as a photographer. Your course has given me structure, it has challenged me in ways that I have never been challenged before, it has made me think in a new ways and it has given me the confidence to take risks with my photography.
In your own quiet way you have allowed me to discover a photographer within that I had not previously been confident enough to recognise. I am now attempting different types of photography than before. You have helped me discover what my strengths are, or more importantly, what my photographic strengths can be. I find myself speaking about my work with more confidence than ever before. I’m not afraid to use photographic and artistic language in discussions about my work. You’ve given me language I can use and you’ve believed in my photography enough for me to feel pride in what I’ve produced this year. This in itself is a major outcome. I started the year knowing I loved photography but not knowing if I had the potential to be really good at it.”
“I’m still persuing the learning journey which commenced in Len’s Master Class and enjoying the rewards.”
“Len’s fantastic ability to make everyone feel comfortable was vital, especially when critiquing other people’s work. The bond between the class members is very strong and supportive. This was even more apparent on our outings. The days were not just for learning and sharing knowledge, but were for having fun.
The homework and projects that were set not only enabled us to use the information learnt in our own work, but allowed Len to guide us to produce some outstanding work throughout the year. This culminated in an end of year exhibition. This was daunting at the beginning of the year, but with the extra knowledge and confidence gained throughout the year, it became an exciting prospect.
Len’s teaching and leadership has helped me to create a style of my own that I am comfortable with, but I’m also willing now to try different ways to communicate with my audience. I have learnt to watch the light more and be patient, both with myself and the subject. I believe I will continue now to grow as a photographer thanks to Lens class. I cannot thank him enough.”
Albany Seascapes, Western Australia. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2018