Len's Journal

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Leura show open

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

– Pablo Picasso


Well after a huge day and a very busy few weeks the show with Max Dupain is finally hanging and open in Leura. Yesterday I picked the framed prints up and delivered them while Peter White stayed up late pulling his gallery apart and putting it back together for this important show.  

Not being able to stay and help I am dying to see what it looks like. If any of you drop in there please email me some snaps of it.  Hopefully I will drop in next weekend when I am next up the mts.    http://www.lensschool.com/blog/len-metcalf-exhibits-with-max-dupain-at-leura

This week sees the Fine Art Nude Workshop here in Sydney.  There are still spots and even day openings on Wednesday and Thursday for those that would love to join us shooting.  A great line up of models and lessons in photography lay ahead.  It is going to be a great week.   http://www.lensschool.com/workshops-tours/fine-art-nude-photography-workshop

Tonight sees me out shooting with Jodi Rose on a new project.   But the details of that will have to wait. 


The Knotted Model above is in the show at Leura.  Hopefully you will spot her there.  Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2018