"Whoever wants to know something about me, they should look attentively at my pictures and there seek to recognise what I am and what I want."  ~ Gustav Klimt

"Whoever wants to know something about me, they should look attentively at my pictures and there seek to recognise what I am and what I want."

~ Gustav Klimt


Hopewell, Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand .  Taken on an invigorating afternoon stroll in the rain during a Freeman Paterson and Sally  Mason Workshop.  We had some free time and I wandered up this gully.  The rain gently fell and I was deeply connected with Mother Nature.  An incredibly productive afternoon.  

For me, photography is about the photographer.  The more I understand photography the more I believe this.  So I seek to understand myself through my photography.  I photograph for me.  The audience isn't on my mind at all. For my own joy.   

Photograph copyright © Len Metcalf 2017

