Len’s Club

Len’s Club

We named our online community on Wednesday. Len’s Club. How does that sound? Better than the Len’s School Online Community we think. Catchy and very directly to the point. And it’s all about lenses and everything that goes with them in the photographic process. A club, a place to hang out, socialise, share and learn.

Today Clair and I are filming again. We did some book reviews last week where I introduce photographers and their work that you may not have seen before. I take you through some of my favourite photographs in the book and discuss why they speak to me. Each is about 15 minutes. Not too long but long enough to get plenty of inspiration. They still aren’t perfect but every one we do, we are getting better.

Today we continue filming and will be working on some tutorials. I have my whole Masterclass to video so we will be at it for a long time.

I need a few more weeks to get it all together before putting it on the market. Newsletter subscribers will get the first round of offers. We are offering early adopters a ‘Founding Member’ rate valid for a lifetime subscription.

A founding member gets to support and kickstart our development. They get to shape the future of the service too. Anyway more information will come soon.

Tree Huggers. Where would we be without them? Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020


Flowers and Dreams