Len's Journal

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Short Lens Creative Retreats

I am just back from a Short Lens creative retreat. Oh my, what a wonderful week was had. We had such a great time. I am exhausted from all the deep discussions about creative photography, teaching, mentoring and the running around photographing together. I am blessed with the most wonderful photographers whom choose to learn and grow with me.

Short Lens is an idea I had to name the ISO Escapes I started a while ago so we could get away during covid. I’d let people choose where they wanted to go based on my recommendations of places I know well enough to run a tour at. How we balanced up time out taking photographs, time in the classroom being taught and time being mentored, was always done together. There is always time for good food, a glass of wine and some relaxing too.

To me this epitomises all the adult (and all) education principles I know. That is where people should be actively involved in plotting and conducting their own educational experiences. Adult education isn’t something you do to someone. It’s something you do with someone.

So I have decided to run the majority of next year on this basis. I’ll schedule dates for bookings, and the first person to book chooses the location and perhaps the flavours of the week. Then others are invited to join us. Small group all living together usually in a large house. All of us working on learning and creating beautiful photography together. You can easily see why it’s a retreat.

So I am going to extend the offering too, so they can be either five or seven days.

I am telling you this now in advance so that those of you whom are planning on attending an event with me next year can start thinking about it. You can even talk to your friends and decide to do something together if you wish. I’ll get them sorted and onto the website and announce them in a few weeks for bookings.

I am also planning three online courses in February and March next year too. These will be: mononchome, bookmaking (with Shirley Steel and myself), and a portfolio production workshop with Brie Stockwell. I am also wondering if there is enough interest in an infrared workshop? Shirley and I will also put on an abstract photography workshop too.

Next year is Cyan’s last year of school. So I want to be close by and available for him. That leaves 2024 for some bigger tours to Western Australia, Flinders Ranges, and Northern Australia. I have some interest in the Tarkine for next year too. I do wonder if many of you are interested or that is something I should leave for a year or so.

Any thoughts will be appreciated.

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2022