Len's Journal

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Golden Outsider

Gold for the ‘Outsider’

Ben Coope at Leap Films has just been awarded a gold at The Australian Cinematographers Society annual awards with his amazing short documentary ‘Outsider’ about my attitudes towards art and photography. I have been using it as the landing page for my portfolio website. http://lenmetcalf.com

I want to take a moment to congratulate Ben, for I think this is another incredible milestone in a brilliant cinematographers’ career. One to be proud of. He is relentlessly pursuing the telling of fascinating stories about creatives. I am amazed at how he has grown from an amazing landscape stills photographer to becoming so accomplished in the medium of story telling though film. It is hard to adequately express how grateful I am of his work, friendship and efforts to help and support me. If you need a piece created specifically for you I am recommending Ben, if you can recommend him to anyone whom needs a film maker or videographer it would be appreciated. It is so amazing to see that the industry is recognising him with awards he clearly deserves. https://www.leapfilms.com.au

The environmentalist, the educator and the artist.

I do need to make a correction from my last post about the presentation for the Royal Photographic Society. I messed up the times. Bellow are the correct times. I have updated the original post with the corrections too.

Saturday 18th December 2021

10 am London

9 pm Sydney


Len’s Master Class 2022

I have been running my Master Class in photography since 2010. It is the course where I went from dabbling in photography education to a full time professional career of running Len’s School. The last photography Master Class I ran was a few years ago, so it is time to run one again. In fact so many of my students have asked me about when I will be running it again, I already have a list of people enrolled.

Basically, Len’s Master Class is aimed at intermediate photographers who wish to push themselves to the next level, by working with me and a group fellow students for a full year. Due to Covid and the international audience I seem to be attracting I am going to run the Master Class next year via the internet. Regular presentations, classes and mentoring sessions will be supplemented by your own study and practice with your own projects. We do hope to gather in person for a retreat or two during the year too.

This is the course for someone whom wishes to totally immerse themselves in their work and learning with support, education and inspiration in a facilitated learning environment. The photographers whom have tackled this year with me in the past have all grown in ways they could never have predicted.

I am currently figuring out the form, content and the program for this course. Not one to repeat what I have done previously, I will be developing this one specifically for those whom sign up for the year. With four of the spots already taken I will be filling the last few spots by application. So if you are interested in doing my Master Class in 2022 in the comfort of your own home, please write to me and we can discuss it further.

Here is a link to a contact form at Len’s School: https://www.lensschool.com/contact