Len's Journal

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moving past go

Shirley Steel creates the sort of images that you just cannot stop looking at. They are inviting, captivating and the more you look, the more you see. They are the sort of images I wish I could do too.

How does she do it? For many of us, photography and in particular, creativity, does not come easily. In this article, Shirley talks about how she stretches herself and her photography to achieve her creative goals. Among other excellent tips, she shares the benefit of a trusted mentor, in her case Len Metcalf. The following is an extract from her article:

“Len has been one of the gateways to my understanding of photography. So often, when I am looking for something, or I am stuck on one of the rungs, a chat to Len sends me away with a little spring in my step. It might be a word of encouragement, it might be an idea he sees in my work, it could be a reference to something I can chase up. I love Len’s photography but more than that I love what he represents for me as a photographic artist. He nurtures my talent and skills, he pushes me ever so gently and he opens new doors to my thinking. Above all, Len is kind and respectful of other artists.”

To read Shirley’s article in full you can visit her website: Moving Past Go, by Shirley Steel

There you will also see more of Shirley’s beautiful images.

Text and photograph published with permission. Photograph copyright © Shirley Steel 2021