Len's Journal

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Announcing: Len's Journal Volume 3 Issue 3

Len’s Journal Volume 3 Issue 3 is our next issue, to be published in August 2023.

Doug Chinnery (www.dougchinnery.com) shows us his painterly touch with these atmospheric photographs taken along the shoreline.

Oltea Sametrean (https://oltea-photo.com) delights us with a selection of hauntingly beautiful images that morph into folding screens.

Chris Grieve (https://www.chrisgrievephotography.com) allows us to glimpse those otherwise unseen gems of the undergrowth with her lovely monotone series.

Kay Gordon delights us with her character-filled images of birds.

Len Metcalf (https://lenmetcalf.com) shares his love of green with a series that draws from nature and paints us the most vivid greens of the forest.

Those of you who are already subscribed are in for a treat this issue!

If you are not a subscriber to the printed journal, but would like to be, you can subscribe here: https://lensjournal.com/publications/lens-journal-subscription

The subscription automatically renews every three months.

We print a limited print run based on the number of subscribers on the cut-off date, which is 8th July 2023 for this issue.

Photographs reproduced with permission.