Len's Journal

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Len's Journal orders

Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who has subscribed to Len’s Journal Volume 2 Issue 1. We are honoured that so many of you are on this journey with us into our second year of the publication.

Orders for Volume 2 Issue 1 are closed. If you subscribe now you will be on track to receive Volume 2 Issue 2 in May. If you just missed out and are keen for Volume 2 Issue 1 then please get in contact.

Looking ahead, we are excitedly preparing Volume 2 Issue 2 and there will be another great line up of artists for you to enjoy. We can’t wait! Volume 2, issue 2 is due to be published in May 2022. The cut-off date for subscriptions is 8th April 2022.

If you are not a subscriber to the printed journal, but would like to be, you can subscribe here: https://lensjournal.com/publications/lens-journal-subscription

The subscription automatically renews every three months.

We print a limited print run based on the number of subscribers on the cut-off date. Each copy is hand numbered and embossed by Len.

If you have any feedback, comments or suggestions about Len’s Journal please feel free to email me at: hello@lensschool.com

Photographs reproduced with permission. Photograph on cover copyright © Len Metcalf 2022