Len's Journal

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Looking for a reason to photograph and learn?

My Master Class in photography starts next week. There are two spots left in the Friday cohort if you are interested. A whole year immersed in an amazing creative, supportive and educational space. This is undoubtedly the most inspiring creative photography workshop in the country and is incredibly unique in it’s genre. I so love teaching it. This year the class will be exhibiting in the USA, whilst we host a show from Cleveland. ‘Mirrors & Windows’ these two collaborative shows will be called. It will be another few years before I get around to running another Masterclass, it has been two years since the last one. This is the course that started my career as a photography educator, so it is incredibly close to my heart. As usual we have an incredible bunch of photographers enrolled in it. I just can’t wait to see what they get up too. https://www.lensschool.com/workshops-tours/lens-master-class-2022

Shirley Steel and I are in the last stages of preparing our Abstract Photography Workshop at Port Macquarie in March. 13th - 18th to be exact. A lovely group of inspired photographers have enrolled. We have a few spaces in it too. It’s a very hands on techniques for abstraction and artistic thinking / designing. Again I can’t wait to kick that one off too. https://www.lensschool.com/workshops-tours/the-abstract-workshop

This photograph is from a previous Abstract Workshop. As you can see it’s inspired by colour field abstract artists. My favourite is Mark Rothko. You may also note it has a hint of Turner and Monet in it too. But most importantly it has a lot of Len in it. Sometimes I think I’d like to be able to paint like this, but the reality is I can do it with my camera so that thought is probably a little redundant.

As you can tell I am back at work after my break. Refreshed and raring to start teaching again. Lots of photos to share with a few stories too. I can’t wait to show you.

Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2022