Len's Journal

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Len's Journal Issue Two

We are so happy to announce that our fantastic printer - Momento Pro, were able to have Len’s Journal Volume 1 Issue 2 printed, bound and delivered with no delays despite Sydney currently being in lockdown.

So, prepare yourselves for a treat as those of you who have subscribed in time for issue two will be receiving it very soon.

It is such a pleasure to be involved in the production of Len’s Journal, this issue looks beautiful and a big thank you goes out to our featured photographers: Sandra Bartocha, Hillary Younger, Morag Lokan, Fiona Huddleston and, of course, Len Metcalf.

If you are not yet a paid subscriber to Len’s Journal print magazine and would like to receive the next issue (issue 3 published in November this year), please subscribe before 8th October 2021. You can do so here: https://lensjournal.com/publications/lens-journal-subscription