Len's Journal

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Expressive Photography

Last Wednesday Alister Benn aired one of his episodes of ‘Vision and Light’ where we talked about creativity and Len’s Journal. We had an absolute blast recording it, and are planning a live follow up where you can ask us questions… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTVSpc8Bkdc

I hope you enjoy watching it too. So far the feedback has been so fantastic.

I am also repeating my talk for the Royal Photographic Society. I put together a very special talk about the Tarkine and my passion for trees. The first time around I gave it to the AGM, but so many missed it, and heard good things about it, they asked me to repeat it. So if you are interested in listening live, it is tomorrow evening at 9 pm Sydney time. You need to register with them to attend. https://rps.org/events/groups/contemporary/2021/december/len-metcalf/