Len's Journal

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Ascending or descending

Theory states we have an ascending diagonal or a descending one.

Which is which for you?

They have different feelings don’t they. Despite the compositional differences. One feels like it’s going uphill and the other downhill.

The theory states we have been taught to read left to right (in the English speaking world, and many others, but this is not universal. We used to read and write right to left before we added vowels into our language). Because of this we see one as going up hill and the other as downhill.

I am preferring the uphill one. But is that because I like the tree better?

Interesting don’t you think. Perhaps it’s the subject that matters more?

These are all taken on our early morning boat tour on the Pieman River on our Tarkine Photography Tour. We have a great group already booked in for next year. Can’t wait as it’s my favourite place to photograph. https://www.lensschool.com/workshops-tours/p/tarkine-photography-tour