Len's Journal

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Banksia Hookeriana

Hopetoun is the second biodiversity hot spot I am visiting this week. On the edge of the Fitzgerald River National Park. The park has 20% of the states flora species. Many of which are unique to the park.

This banksia is taken on my nephews property. A short walk sees so many different flowers. A native flower photographers heaven. A beautiful place to settle with his gorgeous family. Kim is building his own home. I took this photograph on last years visit. Was a different time of year.

Orchids and banksia dominate on first glance. Then you notice more and more… Wild flowers everywhere…

You have to learn to see them. It’s a matter of training yourself in what to look for. We can all learn to see them, as long as we have the motivation and interest to do so. Much like anything. It’s really about motivation and determination.

NSW uni did a research study on predicting mature age students success at completing their degree. Determination was the singular most important factor. Nothing else measured up. Intelligence nup. Skill nup. Knowledge nup. Special sauce? Nup.

So, you can learn too. It’s just down to if you want too. That is for anything… Motivation to learn.

I missed yesterday’s email by a whisker of a moment. It’s below in the email if you want to catch up. Was hastily written trying to catch a deadline that I missed. There is a lesson there I am sure.

Banksia hookeriana. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf