Len's Journal

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“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”

– Pablo Picasso

Only one spot remains on this years Abstract Photography Workshop at Port Stephens. So if you are thinking of joining us, make sure you snap it up.


The three day Monochrome Workshop is getting some momentum too. At Hotel Blue in Katoomba. They have just done up all the bathrooms and I must say I love staying there and teaching from there. It’s the 23-25 August. https://www.lensschool.com/workshops-tours/digital-monochrome-photography-workshop

Cyan and I have had to postpone our Cradle Mountain Walk as the weather forecast is a bit too extreme to be out over the next few days. So we might end up at the walls of Jerusalem next week. Though we are also considering the three capes walk in a bit of luxurious accommodation.

Today we are going to Cradle Mountain. Tomorrow the Tarkine perhaps. Where we can watch the bad weather eventuate or not. Is so disappointing after two years of planning and preparation to be thwarted by wind, rain and snow. The usual plight of a mountaineer, particularly one that comes home, is knowing when to give up.

Tony Hewett in his talks, says stick to the plan. Go. You don’t know what you will get. But when safety is the issue, it’s best to make new plans and do something else.

I need some wilderness time. The North West of Tasmania is apparently the cleanest in the world.

South West Rocks. Abstract Workshop 2018. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019