Len's Journal

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“Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”

– Elizabeth Gilbert

Yesterday was a big day helping Tash set up her ‘Chatterbox Markets’ at Wollongong Central. Two different IKEA stores and a truck and trailer load of fixtures and fittings. A late night was had by many of the stall holders setting up thier shops. She opens today. I have taken on a second stall. Though all my merchandise hasn’t arrived yet. Only one day late, it appears it will be delivered today to Willoughby. I will let you know when it’s in store.

Natasha is an amazing woman. She bought me into Kiama. Believing in the power of my work. She has chosen an African set of prints for Wollongong. They look amazing up and complete the chill room just beautifully. This new venture will be wonderful, bringing people to her and the space. We are planning some art and photography workshops there too.

It’s all so exciting. It is going to be amazing.

Sailors Bay. Castlecrag. After a storm. Just a walk from the studio. Sydney has so much beautiful bush sprinkled among its horrid side of urban sprawl and haste. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019