Len's Journal

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Blackheath Art Society Winter Show

Last Friday I judged the Blackheath Art Society Winter Show. On Saturday we handed out the prizes. Being a judge for an art show, as opposed to the usual photography show, was a lovely experience. I can only hope I get asked to judge more.

In my words to the crowd, as an introduction, I reminded them that as a judge I am only choosing the work that speaks to me and handing out prizes based on my opinion. A subjective process. There really isn’t such a thing as best in show. Though someone awarded me ‘Best Judge in show’. Competitions of art aren’t an objective competition. There really isn’t a best.

I read out my comments about each artwork that was awarded a prize. You can see and read about each them here.


I explained how each artwork spoke to me.

Afterwards was an amazing experience of being praised and thanked for my poetic descriptions, positive feedback and encouraging words. The word poetic was said by over ten people. I never thought myself as a poet. A bit of an armchair philosopher yes. A teacher definitely. And now even a writer. But never a poet. Apparently I have a new career. Lol

Though I do hope my work has a poetic ring to it. My art entices me with mystery, beauty and peace. I can only hope it does the same for you.

Congratulations to all the winners. I recon I needed another handful of commended prizes to hand out. So much beautiful work.

As you will see when you see the winners and why I chose them, that artworks that spoke on an intellectual and emotional level were placed above ones that were just beautiful.

Food for thought.

It is much easier to have someone else explain your work to you than to see it yourself. Well worth the effort.

Govetts Leap. Blackheath. Shot on film twenty years ago I think. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019