Len's Journal

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Cabbage Palm

“When I photograph, what I’m really doing is seeking answers to things.”

— Wynn Bullock


There is much talk here. in Australia, about this weekends general election.  I jumped in early and did an early vote so I don’t have to listen to the crap that bombards is each day.  Someone told me that there are so many pre poll voters they want to abandon the process.  Apparently a million or so in the first week.  

I can see why they would as they time announcing things to get you to change at the last minute each trying to out do the other. It is a sickening process to watch.   

The saddest thing is no one is talking about what we will leave our children nor their children.  Why isn’t their future out primary thoughts.  Why do we as humans put our own welfare first.   

Without clean water and a healthy environment we aren’t leaving much of a future.  Today we approve more mines, more deforestation, more dams, facilitate polluters, give away our water and allow population to grow out of control.  

When I voted two weeks ago I made a clear vote for the environment and for my son and his children.  I hope you take the effort to take particular time with your preferences.  The senate has such an important role as guardians of House of Representatives.  Take the time to think beyond short term benefits and consider our future.


Cabbage Palm.  Myall Lakes. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019