Len's Journal

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Portraits of Namibia

“I know of no genius but the genius of hard work.“

- William Turner


So much of my work is about portraiture.  Portraits of people obviously, but also portraits of animals, trees and places.   Like all portraiture I put myself, my own stories, values and essence into my work.   

For example in today’s accompanying photograph one wonders if that wildebeest is actually lonely in such a vast and empty space or on the flip slide feels safe and secure knowing that predators aren’t that close because of all that space to see them stalking thier way up.

Was it really alone?  Using the edge of the frame I may have removed the heard of support just standing near.

Do animals stare out into the salt plains and contemplate life? 

Do animals enjoy the view?  Deep slow breaths thinking “Awww… Isn’t that just beautiful!” 

Those questions and thoughts are mine.  We currently have no way of deciphering truth.  If truth even exists.  Most of your interpretations are actually about me and what I have constructed.   

When looking at portraiture it is so easy to forget the artist / photographer and concentrate on the subject. Yet all we see is their own interpretation of the subject.  Full of their assumptions, values and thoughts. 

There is no truth in photography despite what we love to believe. Nor in what people tell us when they say, ‘See I have the photograph to prove it’.

My second portraiture workshop is being held in Namibia in just under a years time in March 2020. We start a tour with two days in the classroom sorting out techniques and approaches to portraits in the most amazing location perfectly suited for early morning and late evening shooting.  We will lean and practice specifically for the types of opportunities we will encounter during the rest of the trip.   People, places and animals.   These include; Himba Tribes, desert trees, sweeping plains, and African wildlife.  

Our trip heads north and is in a concentrated area so there is less traveling in vehicles and more time photographing.  We visit less of the over photographed icons and spend more time searching out unique and exploring photogenic subjects.  

This is a true workshop and tour combined into one.   

We are putting together a information night at Woollahra as soon as we have a date and a time I will let you know.

Portrait of Namibia Workshop / Tour https://www.lensschool.com/namibia-photography-workshop-and-tour-2020

Some of my photography from my last few trips to Namibia:  http://lenmetcalf.com/?tag=Namibia

 Wildebeest Contemplates. Etosha Salt Plain, Namibia. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019