Len's Journal

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Convict stone…

Yesterday was quite a day. In the morning whilst camped under the Rams Head my foot, in my ski boot, broke through the snow I was walking on. I didn’t feel much at the time, just a bit of an ouch.

Later as I was adjusting my ski boots I noticed some blood on my sock. Further investigation revealed a deep long gouge in my leg.

So I washed it out with some sterile saline and used butterfly strips to pull it closed. Added a dressing and a bandage. It felt rather good. So I took Cyan for one last ski run before packing up and walking the couple of kilometres back to the car with our packs and gear.

By the time I got to the car it was aching. Changing out of ski boots I noticed it had been bleeding a bit, so drove off to the nearest hospital for a tetanus update, get it scrubbed clean and a couple of stitches. All under local anaesthetic of course.

The stitches went in six hours after the little accident.

Driving back to Sydney was fun with the local anaesthetic wearing off. Luckily the ifobrufen worked a treat.

Am well…

Cyan and I made it home safely. I can report that I can still ski and love it dearly. I can still telemark on my skinny skis. Cyan is still improving every time we go. I think it’s time for another full week of lessons. Next year.

The days were hot and sunny. The snow was typical spring corn. But not too slushy yet, due to a good freeze the night before we went.

We loved climbing to the top and skiing back down. It reminded me of my youth. Of so many ski runs.

Convict stone from Port Arthur, Tasmania. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019