Stop, look, listen and feel
This morning I was lucky enough to enjoy the sunrise overlooking the ocean. It is a very beautiful thing. I was enjoying the soft morning light pre-sunrise, but then the sunrise stopped me.
It’s rare that I photograph the sunrise or the gorgeous colours it floods the sky with. Usually, I am obsessed with the predawn light and the gorgeous way it can be played with. So many possibilities.
Today, I stopped and watched. It’s funny, it'so easy to forget the feeling that induces. That breathtaking moment when the light peaks through and you can feel the sun's warmth on your face.
I look around again, the golden light danced across the surface of the sea, sparkled and illuminated the wet rocks with gold.
How often do you stop to enjoy what you are witnessing? Are you so caught up in the process and act of photography, that you forget to stop and enjoy the beauty of the world around us?
It’s so lovely to breathe and look, let it wash over us and allow Mother Earth to relax and heal us. Stop, look, listen and feel. Magic is everywhere.
Seaweed on the coast somewhere. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2018