A Creative Affair - creative confidence

A Creative Affair - creative confidence

Len’s podcast about creativity is called A Creative Affair. In this episode, Len and his co-host, Brie Stockwell, discuss creative confidence.

In this chat about creative confidence, they discuss:

  •  Why creative confidence is important to us

  • Internal and external confidence

  • How mentors help us create more of it

  • Our personal experiences with confidence (or lack of it!)

Listen to the podcast with the link below:


If you enjoyed that episode and would like to catch up on season one and other previous episodes, just head over to the A Creative Affair Podcast .

Photograph copyright © Brie Stockwell 2023

Exhibition: Arcadian Artists Trail 2023

Exhibition: Arcadian Artists Trail 2023

A Creative Affair - saying yes (to creative opportunities)

A Creative Affair - saying yes (to creative opportunities)