Lake District Autumn

Looking through some colour work for you again today. Been thinking about Autumn as it descends on us here in Sydney. I was definitely snuggled under my warm doona this morning with beautifully welcome cooler air.

A few drops of rain and a couple of turning trees.

Autumn has definitely arrived.

A sight like this is virtually unimaginable for me. Whole forests of trees turning colour. This was the only time I ever saw it. Walking back from our ascent of Castlecrag in the Lake District. Do you remember how cold and blowy it was up top. We quickly retreated to the lee side.

Fond memories of travelling to the other side of the globe. Now a distant dream. The reduction in air traffic is making the air we breathe so fresh and healthy. The quiet around the city is so appreciated by me. Wondering what the world will be like in a years time?

Is anyone else getting a strange bar instead of a photograph? If you click on it, it momentarily enlarges?

The Lake District, UK, photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2020

Cubist moment
