Photograph what you are


“Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.”

– Jackson Pollock

Am amazed at how quickly habits can form or drop from our lives. With my break from posting and writing I have honestly forgotten on so many days to post and write. I could use the excuse that my inner self must need some time. But I think that would be a cop out. I really think I have had other thoughts on my mind in the mornings and my habit of daily posting faded away.

So, I will just need to be stubborn and very dogard. Art is like that. You just have to keep at it despite it not working for you at some periods. You just have to put your head down and get into it. Picasso famously said that the hardest thing about creativity is showing up for work each day.

He is so right. You have to show up and just start. No excuses. Start.

You don’t need that flash of inspiration that you think you need. Inspiration rarely strikes. It usually develops slowly and comes through practice. I mean through doing. As I write, the words that come out inspire more. As I photograph the photographs inspire more. Each a lesson in the journey.


Yes, it’s that simple… just start again. Let go of quality, let go of intent. Just start and see where it leads.

I know, that if you do, just as much as I know, that if I do. It will lead somewhere. You don’t need to know where you are going.

Just wander and enjoy.

The other week I wandered down to Leura forest and ended up on Lindermans Track. Found a waterfall I hadn’t seen before. Newness lead to an intense morning of inspiration and work. Is it any good? That really doesn’t matter.

It is always the journey and the love of doing that counts. Not the product, for they take care of themselves.

Lower Leura Falls. Leura. Photograph and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

King Fern
