Macquarie Harbour

Macquarie Harbour


 “The outside is the only place we can truly be inside the world.”


~ Daniel J. Rice


Tent views.  I am camped on the shores of Macquarie Harbour just out of Strahan in Tasmania. Yesterday saw me on a cruise up the Gordon River. Memories flood back of rafting the Franklin many years ago.  I need to return to this place.  

Photograph in it. Wilderness is my creative muse.

Who is interested in joining me on a photographers whitewater rafting trip down the Franklin River as a homage to Dombrovskis and Truchanas?  Am thinking January or February 2020.  It would be an all inclusive trip with professional river guides to look after us. Requires camping, paddling and a reasonable level of fitness and a willingness for adventure. 


Macquarie Harbour, Strahan, Tasmania.  Photograph copyright ©️ Len Metcalf 2018

Seeing with the soul

Seeing with the soul

Australian trees

Australian trees